
Showing posts from August, 2022

Lit/Comp Reflection 8/30/22

 Today in class we read 2 poems, one called “Heart, we will forget him” and one about being successful and had to make a connection on how we’ve got over a heartbreak and how we were able to succeed in something.

Origin Myth Reflection 2

 Today we used our rough draft to finish the story completely to turn in Tomorrow, we have t watched a short film for around 3 days but most likely on Monday it’ll be regular short films every day.

Origin Myth Reflection

 Today in class for our first assignment we have to write an origin myth and for today we got our characters, plot, theme, rising actions, climax, falling actions, and ending

Twelve Sentence Story

 Today in class we built a character/minor character and this is my story.

"The Last 3 Minutes" Reflection 8/18/22

 Today in class we watched a short film about this custodian that had a hard attack and relived his life in three minutes. The story to me means that you shouldn't take life for granted, you can lose it at any moment. I also think that it can show that everybody has a story, when he was reliving his life it showed his wife leaving him because he became a drunk after he was in the war, he went through a lot and people rarely noticed him. I feel that the moral of the story is that life is too short to live and think about the past, live in the moment, live your life to the fullest.

What do you think your purpose in life is

 I believe everyone has the exact same purpose when they’re born, living life, just living life I believe you’re supposed to choose your own purpose when you grow up. If everyone on earth was sent to earth with a purpose by god to do a certain thing then why would he give people a purpose to murder, steal, do horrible things to children he loves. I’m not saying god just sent us here for no reason but I find it hard to believe that he gave every person on earth a purpose if that were to be true there would be no reason to even live, you’re being controlled by a pre-destined choice before you were even born which gives life in general zero meaning. Some people never even find out their purpose because they choose to never take risks and live by the books until death. I believe that everyone has no purpose when they’re born, they have to figure it out theirselves.

“The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Reflection

 Today in class I learned about a book called “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and how important it is to know the roots and where you come from. I learned about the theme of the story and even found a way to compare it to my actual life.

My Lit/Comp Introductory

 My name is Stephen Isaiah Racks, I am from Fort Benning, Georgia, I am 16 years old, and I go to Cedar Grove High School. Three goals I want to reach this year is to have at least all A’s and AB’s, have healthy eating habits, and to buy my computer before the end of the year.